Breaking Barriers

20/20 Vision in 2021

Happy New Year! I hope your year has kept you well. It’s been a few weeks since I last posted, how was your Christmas? New Year? Did you make a vision board or naw? This blog post is the second part of my last blog post about moving forward with the 2020 vision. In that post, I shared the story of the man that was blind from birth and how Jesus healed him (if you missed that post, go back and check it out). As you continue reading the story you find that there were many that didn’t believe in his healing. The Pharisees questioned the blind man and his family, asking many questions trying to figure out was it really the man that was blind from birth and how could he have been healed on a Sunday (because Sunday is the Sabbath). Surely God wouldn’t do such a thing on a Sabbath. As you move forward in this new year with your new 2020 vision, many won’t believe in your newly cleared vision just as the Pharisees didn’t believe and were pulling apart the man that was blind. They said it wasn’t him and that it couldn’t have happened. Regardless of what others may say, keep moving forward with your new vision. What they say is not your concern, keep moving forward sharing your testimony about the man that allowed you to see clearer. 

They (the Pharisees) were so focused on thinking in the box, thinking God couldn’t, or wouldn’t do such a thing, they missed the blessing of the miracle. God can do anything, including giving vision to the blind.  

In this new season, God is trying to do a new thing in your life, but if you aren’t careful you will miss out because of your natural vision and what you may hear others say. There’s a spiritual vision that is needed, which says that God can do anything but fail no matter how things appear, even if it doesn’t seem possible. But then there’s our natural vision that only sees things in the natural not believing in the supernatural. Belief is required for miracles to occur. If you don’t believe that it can be done it won’t be done. Many times Jesus’ miracles were based on the belief of the person receiving them. You must believe that God can deliver you from your situation, bless you with that new home, new spouse, renewed marriage, or successful business even in the midst of a pandemic.

God is doing a new thing in 2021 but your 2020 spiritual vision and belief are required for the full manifestation of it all.

Go back to God and ask him what he will do for you in this year 2021 and what must you do in preparation for the miracle. We are 20 days into the new year and I can think of at least 4 people God has blessed with the purchase of a new home, in the midst of a pandemic and financial crisis. In a time when the country is racially divided, we elect the first woman of color as Vice President. If that’s not a miracle, I don’t know what is. So keep believing and moving forward, your 2020 vision was given to you to help you to move forward in 2021. 

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