Breaking Barriers

A Heart of Thanksgiving

On this day 34 years ago, the Lord saw fit to bless me with life. I’m so grateful for him seeing something in me and wanting to share me and my gifts with the world. On my birthday today, I am truly grateful. I realize the older I get the more I appreciate the simple things in life such as life, food, shelter, family, friends, and genuine nice gestures. I could go on and on but I’ll stop right there. Although things are not always how I would ideally want them to be, I have sooooooooo much to be thankful for. The same is true for you, you have soooooooooo much to be thankful for, if you’re reading this that means you are alive and breathing, you have a purpose, and God truly does love you. Never stop being grateful, even when things are hard and life is challenging, there’s always something to be grateful for. Live and love life fully!!! You’re still DOPE!!!

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