Breaking Barriers


Nowadays we have passwords and codes for everything. We have a passcode for our phone, passwords to get in our computers, passwords for our Netflix account :); everything has a password. The other day I used my mom’s password to get into her account and I instantly thought of the word, access. Our passwords, passcodes, etc give us access to our devices and accounts. Because I had the correct password for my mom’s account I was granted access. As Christians, we often forget about the access we have. Through the word of God we have access to His wisdom and because of this access we are able to overcome obstacles, grow individually, and and gain comfort in hardships. Everything we need is in there, including access to the kingdom because of the sacrifice Jesus made for us on the cross; we have grace.

We can never forget who you are in Christ and know that our lineage gives us access! You have the power to overcome anything that comes your way. We are OVERCOMERS and we WILL win! Just consider this a short friendly reminder. Be blessed!