Breaking Barriers

Are You Ready??

A few days ago I was thinking of the many things I desire; you know things like the husband (or wife for someone else), the child or children, the business idea, financial increase. I thought to myself are you ready for what you have asked? Interesting enough a day or so later as I was listening to the radio that morning, Erica from Get Up Mornings was talking about life and how often we ask God for the next level, however we don’t pay attention to him to know what he requires of us. She shared an illustration of baseball and how the catcher has to watch the pitcher and the ball so that he knows what’s coming and when. She explained that many times we ask for God to do things in our life, yet we don’t stay tune to him to find out the next steps.

This touched me as it reminded me that I need to be in tune with God and quiet down so that I can hear from Him and allow the Holy Spirit to guide me. Being ready for the next level, we have to pay attention to what’s coming our way. We have to know what is God’s will and if we miss it we may miss out on something that has the potential to be big! I wanted to share this reminder with you, stay alert and be ready for what will come. The time is now to start preparing.

In your time of waiting, you must prepare. There are so many things you can learn in the interim. Are you anticipating marriage? Gleam from a married couple you admire, read devotions and scriptures on marriage. Do you desire to start a business, have you created your business plan? Talk to some business owners, read a book on starting and keeping a business. Now is the time! Do your research, ask questions, and Pray!!! Prepare for what you expect! Are you ready for the next level?


  • Maria Graham

    Excellent!! I am so right here with you on this. I am reading books and studying on certain things now. I want to be ready when it comes not just on the job training.

  • Satiqua

    Great inspirational perspective. It reminds me of a sermon that I heard years ago called “Prepare for the rain”. If there’s a drought in your life in some areas then ask God for your increase and prepare for it to rain and even for him to flood you with blessings! #enlargemyterritory

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