Breaking Barriers

Be Great Where You Are!

The last week or so I’ve been feeling out of sorts, not really sure how to describe what I was feeling but I felt off. I was feeling like something was missing or I was not doing what I should be doing (and perhaps I wasn’t, shrug). We all have a purpose here on this earth, for some they know sooner than others. For me, I believe I have an understanding of my gifts and how I am to use those gifts while here, but am I truly walking in my purpose? How about you? Do you know your purpose? Are you walking in your purpose?

Many times we believe that in walking in our purpose it has to be something grand or profound. You know, we have to be saving the world, building a grand empire, writing a best selling book, and/or having wealth so that we can then save the world by being a great philanthropist. And perhaps that will be apart of your future purpose, but maybe right now your purpose is to serve in your local church, volunteer at the Boys & Girls Club, or carry out that business plan God gave to you.

It is easy to get caught up in the belief that your purpose is something extraordinary. But I believe your purpose has levels to it. How you are to walk in purpose now is not the same as how you will walk in your purpose later. God will continue to elevate you to the next level in your purpose, but you have to follow his lead and walk through it with him.

So as you are living your life now and walking in the purpose that God has given you now, know that you must be great right where you are. Be great at serving in the ministry, be great at blogging, be great at taking good care of your children and pouring all that you can into them, be great at being single, be great at being married, be great at honoring and serving those around. Be great right where you are! Only when you are great where you are, will you receive the promotion to your next level in your purpose. Keep praying and believing God and he will direct your path.


  • VarK

    This is good. People often think so big because Oprah is giving away cars and I can’t give mine away. Lol! But being great where you are requires focus on being present where you are. When people do this purpose will be exhibited even when we dont think of it being great.

    • Bridgette

      That’s a good point. But not be like Oprah giving away cars, lol. When you are walking in purpose it should just flow.

  • CJELloyd

    This is a GREAT post. The Lord laid this on my heart months ago. As we serve, honor, worship, and pray to our GREAT God, the purpose in life that we are called to will be GREAT even if we never reach Oprah’s earthly status of greatness 🙂. #begreatehereyouare
    Thanks Bridgette!

    • Bridgette

      Thank you! When you made the statement to me it spoke to something on the inside of me. #begreatwhereyouare

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