Breaking Barriers

Beauty in the Pivot

This morning I got up and I went back and forth on whether I should go for a bike ride. I hadn’t ridden my bike all week. I truly didn’t feel like going, but something told me to push anyway. My initial thought was it was too late in the day and it would therefore be too hot to go (yes, it’s in the 80s here, sigh), since I didn’t get up early and go, but I went anyway. Well of course when I went outside and the sun was beaming on me, I said to myself, “was this a good idea?” Lol. Needless to say I went on riding and was a blessing! My concern for the sun was overshadowed by the trees which covered me throughout my ride. It reminded me of how God covers us as we go through life. What a blessing it is to have his covering.

So I’ve been getting more and more comfortable with riding my bike, but one thing I am continually cautious of is cars. Well, this morning as I was riding I came across a car and decided to pivot or change my route. I went on a new path and in that moment I discovered that there is beauty in the pivot. Sometimes in life, God has us to change things up and do things differently or go on another path than we desire, but today I was reminded that even in the pivot, 1) God covers us (just like the shade from those trees) and 2) there’s a lesson that is learned in the mist of the pivot.

In speaking of a pivot, I think of 2020 and how we all have had to shift how we do things and what we can and will do. But in the process of us pivoting we have gained so much. For me, I’ve learned to appreciate riding a bike, learned somewhat how to crochet, learned the art of waiting and listening to God, grown to seek God more, and mastered zoom parties and gatherings. Lol. What have you learned in this 2020 pivot?

Let this post be a reminder to you to embrace the pivots in life and remember that even in the pivots and shifts, God will cover you the entire way. I pray that this message blesses you as much as it did for me.

I wanted to share a few photos with you of the beauty I experienced on my bike ride this morning. Happy Saturday!!

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