Breaking Barriers

Capture the Moment

Pictures are a way of capturing a special moment in our lives, whether it’s a professional picture for a headshot, a fun picture to celebrate a birthday, or pictures that commemorate a moment. Recently, my cousin encouraged me and some friends to work on a project called “Day in the Life.” Day in the Life is a one-day documenting project to record everyday life stories, the basics of your life right now. In preparation for this day, I set reminders throughout the day to take pictures and journal. As I took pictures and wrote little notes about my day, I realized the importance of capturing moments. Life moves so quickly, we often miss things. In this project, I learned to appreciate even the small moments in my life and reflect on all parts of life, even the small mundane things. I also got to take time to recognize the little things like when I drive to work over the marsh, it’s really a beautiful sight to see, or even the little projects I’m working on at work. It’s pretty cool to sit back and admire all the things. 

This past year with Covid and so much loss, I’ve learned to appreciate life in a new way, the people I’ve been blessed to do life with, the memories I’ve made with them, and just the simple joys of living. I’m here to remind you to cherish the moments in life and find different ways to capture those moments, perhaps do a Day in the Life project, a scrapbook, write in your journal, or just simply take pictures that you can go back to review. All are great ways to capture the moment and remember the moments in your life. Find what works best for you and your schedule and just do it. Be intentional about creating moments and capturing them as you occur. 

For more information on scrapbooking, check my cousin, MoLove Lee with her new page, @Rememberthedayz21 on Instagram and her YouTube channel. Be sure to like, share, and comment!

Here’s a little glimpse in my Day in the Life of Bridgette.

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