Breaking Barriers

Cast Your Cares on Him

What does it mean to cast your cares on the Lord? I have my moments of struggles with my thoughts, my anxieties, my fears, etc. but how do you deal with these things? According to this scripture, you cast you cares on the Lord, but what does that look like?

Anyone that has dealt with anything, knows that it’s easier to say something should be done than to actually “do” it. When there are worries or anxieties that are on your heart, it can be difficult to let them go because you’ve grown to “deal” with it as it is. One thing that I’ve realized is that in life we have to fight, fight for our rights, fight for the job you want, fight to keep the job, fight for your relationships, and also fight for a sound mind. There’s a famous quote, anything worth having is worth fighting for. I believe that when it comes to anything that we are carrying that we don’t want to carry anymore, we have to fight to get rid of it. Casting our cares in God, is constant and continual. It’s not always going to be a one and done. Somethings are easier to let go of than others, but if it’s a desire to let go of it, you have to keep working to get rid of it. What does that look like? Continued prayer, when the anxious and/or fearful thoughts come you have to pray to God. Talk to him, let him know your struggle. Also, replace the thought with a more positive thought. Pull out your affirmations and affirm yourself (see last blog post). You can do it! Cast your cares on the Lord, he will sustain you. He can handle anything you give him.

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