Breaking Barriers

Confidence Booster

I recently had the pleasure to go see the movie, I Feel Pretty. Definitely a chick flick, but very good with a great message. There was one point in the movie, in which she questioned her abilities based on her looks, thinking people would question her because of how she looked. As a woman, I have struggled with insecurities and a lack of confidence. Growing up I was pretty confident in myself and my abilities, I would even say I would encourage others to think more of themselves. I was very open with speaking my mind and unbothered (most days) about how others thought of me, but as an adult I’ve struggled with my confidence. Life challenges, failures, and setbacks have caused me to question myself and my abilities in certain areas of my life. I’ve looked to find validation in other things because of insecurities. But how do you regain your confidence?

What is continuing to work for me is my relationship with God, reading his word (I could do better with this), and reminding myself of who I am. The word is a great confidence booster, it reminds me not only of who I am, but also whose I am. God has created me for a specific reason, as he has done the same for you. It is our role to remind ourselves of who we are created to be, even if we do not know our specifics. It is important to stay grounded, know your foundation and be mindful of placing your confidence in things that will not last.

So, what can we do to keep our confidence up? Affirmations, scripture, awesome encouraging friends that will add to you not subtract are just a few things. What do you do to give yourself a confidence boost? Comment below.

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