Breaking Barriers

Create Your Own Happiness

What makes you happy? Is it hanging out with friends? Going to the movies? Trying a new restaurant? How do you create your own happiness? One thing that I’ve learned is that no one else can do for you what you can do for yourself. Many times we wait for others to make us happy; we want someone to buy us flowers, plan a romantic dinner, or we want someone to purchase us a gift. If you don’t know how to do things for yourself how is someone else able to come in and make you happy? I’m big on creating the things that you enjoy or want in your life. If you aren’t happy with your environment, there are things that you can do. I’ve had several jobs and within the jobs, I was not always big on what I did in those roles, however, I would do things within my job that made me enjoy it better. Because I enjoy making others happy, I’ve done different things such as planning an event for staff to participate, giving high fives to coworkers for a job well done or going to lunch with a coworker (I enjoy eating and hanging with people). I was able to create my own happiness within my role that I was in, while I was there.

What are some things that make you happy? Even in life, sometimes things may not always be going the way you want, but there are some things you can do that will make you happy. Perhaps create a list of things that you enjoy to do and make sure you try to do at least one thing per week. I understand money can be tight, and you may not be able to do the things you enjoy, but there are things you can do that do not cost money. Maybe watch your favorite show, or go to the park, read a book, whatever you enjoy doing that is cost-effective based on your budget. You must create what you want. I enjoy being around friends and family, so I sometimes create outings to hang out with the people that I love, no sense in sitting around waiting for someone to invite you to something; create it and they will come. The point of all of this is to create your own happiness, no one else can do it for you.


  • Lydia Thomas

    I love this post, Bridgette, and it’s true: we already have within us everything we need to be happy, we just have to choose that place as our go-to instead of relying on others to do what we can/should/must do for ourselves. It doesn’t have to be elaborate or expensive; I’ve learned that many of the most enjoyable things in life are absolutely free, and I believe God intended it that way.

    • Bridgette

      I totally agree! God brings joy into our lives and he has equipped us so that we are able to create our own happiness.

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