Breaking Barriers


As we quickly approach 2020, I felt the need for me to share something with you that has been on my mind and I know we can’t take it into 2020, negative thoughts. We all have them from time to time, maybe some more than others, but the thoughts come. Negative thoughts come to most people; and you can’t always control them coming, however, you can control them staying. As we go into this new year we have to hit Ctrl+Atl+DEL when those negative thoughts come. We can’t allow them into our mind we must immediately trash them.

Of course I had to look up this function to make sure I was thinking of it right. Ctrl+Alt+Del function allows the Windows operating computer user to stop an application task or reboot the operating system. We need to use this same function in our lives as it relates to negative thoughts, as soon as they come in our mind, we need to hit Ctrl+Alt+Del so that we can either stop the thought or when necessary reboot the system. What does rebooting look like you ask? It’s resetting, going back to the word of God and speaking it over your thoughts, it’s also fasting and praying to get our minds back as they should be, on God.

As we approach this new year, understand that in order for you to go to the next level, there are some things you will need to give up on, including those negative thoughts, those thoughts that have convinced you that you aren’t enough or you’re not worthy. Replace those thoughts with the truth, the Word of God, you are more than a conqueror, you can do all things through Christ who gives you strength. For every lie that comes to mind, combat it with the word of truth, after hitting, Ctrl+Alt+Del, because it does not belong in your mind. Throw it in the trash and take it out with the rest of the garbage, it is no longer serving you. It’s a new year, start something new! #CtrlAltDel