Breaking Barriers

Day of Thanksgiving

Can you believe how fast the time is flying? I can’t believe it’s Thanksgiving Day already! On this day, I am so grateful for so many things including you.

I was driving the other day, thinking about the end of the year and the things I would like to accomplish. As I shifted to the things I wanted or desired whether for myself or to be a blessing to someone else, I realized how easy it is to focus on the things we want/desire and forget about the many things we have to be grateful for. We must keep things in perspective, while you may not have everything you want, you have so much. There are many people that would trade places with you right now. I realize during this season it’s easy to become annoyed with others as you spend time with family and friends. Cherish the time you have with loved ones, you never know when your time will come or theirs. Choose today to Live Intentionally, Be Grateful, Forgive, Love Everyone – especially family and friends, and Think before you Talk or Act; you can’t take it back once it’s done. Make today great!