Breaking Barriers

Decision, Decisions, Decisions…

Yesterday was an absolute amazing day spiritually. God was speaking to me in a great way. He placed a ministry in my spirit. I know he wants me to move on it. I was so greatly encouraged on yesterday, nothing could stop me. Today, is a little different. Not that I’m down but I’m just not as motivated as I was yesterday. But that is where I have to seek the face of God, stay in tuned to him. When I connect with him, it makes for a more powerful day. Yesterday I woke up early and got into the word, but today, I struggled to get up and therefore did not get my devotion in this morning. We can’t live a life of coincidence, we have to be strategic about everything that we do, including our prayer life. Not many will admit to this imperfection, but I recognize that the more we are open about these types of things, the more people will be delivered. No one wants to serve a God in which they are required to not make mistakes. Many times, we as Christians, we focus so much on imperfections of others and therefore push people away from God. All that we do is for him. In the word it speaks of us sharing our testimony to help others overcome. Jesus already paid the price, why because he knows we aren’t perfect. Once we recognize this, we will all be better off. To God be the Glory for his son that he sent to die on the cross for our sins. I am FREE! In this freedom, I have peace and the courage to push towards my dreams. Will you push and strive for excellence with me? Together we are better than we are separate. Make a decision today to follow Christ and his vision for your life. #bridgettebreakingbarriers