Breaking Barriers

Dream Again

I was listening to the radio this morning and they were talking about the impact of Dr. King and what he’s done for us as a country and even the world. His dream for us to be treated equally pushed us all and reminded us that what we do does matter. I began to think to myself, how am I making an impact. While everyone can’t be a Dr. King, Rosa Parks, or Oprah, we can all do something. We have to recognize that while some are made to do grand things, it is the small things we do that matters most. The small eventually add to the big, but still the small things matter, and are a blessing to those impacted. I often wonder if my blog even matters, is it worthwhile, is it something I should even continue to do? But I’m reminded ever so often that the impact of my blog matters and for that I’m grateful. I might not have millions of followers, but the ones I have I must be faithful and continue to do what I believe I’m called to do.

How about you? Are you making an impact? Have you allowed circumstances or the appearance of not making a big enough impact cause your dreams to be stagnant? It’s time for you to dream again! What if Dr. King decided to stop because he didn’t think his work mattered? Where would we be? As I’ve shared time and time again, we all have a purpose and that purpose matters! God created you specifically for what you can add to the world, it’s time for you to step out on faith and do whatever it is you dreamed in your mind and make it happen. Whether it’s applying for a new job, starting a new business, going back to school, or going to serve at the local homeless shelter, it all matters. We need you to awaken your dreams and start anew because your gift matters. No matter how big or small, your impact matters and is necessary. The time is now. Don’t let the end of 2020 leave you with fear and unaccomplished things. Start the new year with a bang! Your future self and future recipients will thank you for it. #dreamagain

Happy Birthday, Martin Luther King Jr! Thank you for your dream for us to do and be more.