Breaking Barriers

FAITH in Action!

This past weekend I participated in another 5K race. I always get super excited about races. Ever since my first one, I’ve enjoyed doing them. I started doing the races because I was trying to find a fun way to exercise more. I figured I could give it a try, many others around me seem to enjoy it. I signed up for two races, the point was to motivate me to get back in the gym, however, I never did make it to the gym (well maybe a couple of times). This last weekend during my race, I struggled, I mean really struggled. This had to be my worst race and I was only walking, LOL. After the race, I was thinking and I was reminded, I can have intentions on doing something, but it is only my actions that will take me to the next level. We all say, “I have faith”, however, your faith means nothing if you do not put it into action. So, my charge to myself and you is to WALK in FAITH. Walking in FAITH is not about just reading it in the bible or thinking about how you can have it, but it is to actually put the FAITH that you have, read about, and think of in action. So, to that person desiring to start your new business, put your FAITH in action! And to that person trying to stop a bad habit, put your FAITH in action. Also, to the person wanting to be a better disciple of Christ, put your FAITH in action. What plan will you implement so that you can walk in FAITH? #FAITHinAction #letsgo