Breaking Barriers

“Fear is Your Enemy!”

Last weekend, I had the pleasure of seeing the movie, Harriett. Great movie, if you have not already seen it, I suggest you go see it. As I was leaving out of the theater, I was in such deep thought. I was greatly compelled to take notes from the movie and apply it to my life. One quote in the movie that stood out the most to me was, “fear is your enemy.” Many times we allow fear to get in the way of our success. We have great ideas, but allow our fear of the unknown to get in the way and we never fulfill those great ideas. Harriett was willing to risk her life, literally for freedom. How far will you go to ensure your dreams are fulfilled?

There are so many people operating in fear, they continue to play it safe because of the unknown, but I encourage you today to take notes from Harriett, live fearlessly. While you may not be in the type of slavery Harriett was in, there are some things in your life that are holding you back and keeping you from living your best life. What is it? And how will you become free? Be willing to risk everything to live your dreams out loud. It’s time to finish that book, start that business, apply for that job, speak to that guy or girl you’ve been attracted to, get married! Whatever it is that you have been holding off because of fear, its time for you to move forward and no longer allow fear to hold you back. The time is now!

One thing I truly admired about Harriett was not only her strength and fearlessness, but also her obedience to God. She didn’t move until she heard from God. Her connection to him was profound. As we walk toward our goals and dreams, we must take notes from Harriett, we have to rely totally on God. He will be there to guide us every step of the way and order our steps, but you must be willing and open to him.

As you start this new journey, I suggest you start with prayer, then find a scripture that will keep you and remind you of God’s love for you. And don’t forget to recite your affirmation statements. You are fearless! You are free! You are an Overcomer! You are a winner! God loves you! With God all things are possible. You can have everything he said you can have! Keep the faith! See you on the other side. No more living in fear, remember fear is your enemy!

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