Breaking Barriers


I was listening to the radio this morning and during the morning prayer the DJ talked about it being flash back Friday. He shared about his first date with his wife and how grateful he was for her in that moment. He reminded us that sometimes it’s good to look back and see how far we’ve come. His reminder was so profound to me, I decided to write this brief blog to remind you to take a flash back today on this #flashbackfriday and be reminded of how far you’ve come. Through your life God has continued to show himself mighty and strong. And even if you may be going through right now, go back to the many times that God has brought you through in the past. We have grown so much just in this year, think back to the person you use to be and then come back to the present to recognize the person you are now. Don’t take that lightly.

While driving the other day, I looked back in my rear view mirror and noticed the beautiful sun rise. I was blessed by the beauty of it. In that moment, I was reminded of my past and although, I haven’t always gotten things right and there are some moments I wish I could do over and do differently, I’m grateful for who i have become. I’m so grateful for the journey to this place. I’m grateful for every wrong and right turn and I’m even more grateful that even with the wrongs, God still kept me. I pray this encourages you on this #fbf. Be blessed!

As I was writing this blog post, the song, Mighty Long Way by Tye Tribbett came to mind. I’m sharing with you now.