Breaking Barriers

Forever Love

There is a gospel song that is out now entitled, Forever, by Jason Nelson. When I tell you I absolutely love this song! Initially hearing the song, it was just another nice song, but one day as I was riding in the car and I began to really listen to the lyrics. I realized as I listened, the song was like a love song from God to us. This song is a reminder of how much God loves us and how committed he is to us. How beautiful is it for someone to tell you they are committed to you and will love you forever no matter what. This is a short blog post to remind you of God’s love for you, nothing you have done or will do will keep him from loving you forever. Forever, he’s committed to you.

Often we have moments of doubt, discouragement, and fear, it is important for us to feed ourselves with positivity and love so that we do not allow the moments to become long-lasting. This song helps me to come back and rethink my thoughts. It reminds me that I am loved and God is still there with me, all I have to do is reach out instead of pushing him away. You are loved by God and he is committed to you forever. #foreverlove

Scripture Highlight: “O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good: for his mercy endureth forever. “ Psalms 136:1