Breaking Barriers

Friends, How Many of Us Have Them?

I truly believe God can use anything or anyone to get a message through to his people, including movies. I recently went to see the movie Girls Trip, beyond being hysterically funny (I mean I laughed my behind off lol), it had good back story. Friends, how many of us have them? After watching the movie, I was refreshed and felt great on the inside. That laugh was everything to me!! It reminded me of great times with great friends, laughing, joking, and just having fun. I could tell stories, but I won't, lol. That movie reminded me of the importance of friends and spending time with them. I remember my last girls trip with some of my college friends, oh the stories and the laughs; it was definitely worth a reality show series, lol. Connect, reconnect, enjoy, and laugh!

Many times we have disagreements with friends and we go on for months, sometimes years without speaking and resolving the issue. Friendships are important so prioritize, be the bigger person, forgive, and let it go! There's still time for you to make it right! Go ahead reach out to that friend you're thinking about right now!


  • Crystal W

    You are so right. We had good examples from our mothers, as they constantly showed us the value of true friendship. Through the ups and downs, they have laughed and loved each other since we were little girls. True friends are such a blessing!

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