Breaking Barriers


Growing is an interesting thing. For a plant, fruit, or vegetable, a seed is planted and with the right amount of sunlight, water, and time there is a finished product to be enjoyed. The process of growth seems so simple as it relates to a plant, fruit, or vegetable but when it comes to our own growth, it doesn’t seem as simple. However, the same is true for us, we just require different ingredients for our growth. Along with sunlight and water, we also need people and experiences to shape our growth.

Our interactions with people require us to grow; whether they are sharing constructive or negative feedback. No matter the person’s intentions (good, bad, or petty), there is always something for you to learn. Sometimes the lesson to learn is being aware of the company you keep. There is a scripture that says, “irons sharpens iron;” the company we keep often times makes us sharper. We are better because our connections.

Experiences allow us to know our strength; many times we don’t know what we are capable of until we are in different circumstances. Our experiences help us to build our character and eventually lets us know our calling. We don’t go through things just for ourselves, but to gain our testimony and stories so we are able to share with others. People will learn from your testimony and story! I often have to remind myself, “it’s not about you, Bridgette.” All growth whether for a plant, fruit, or vegetable requires time. It takes time for us to become who we are called to be.

The potential of your seed was established when God formed you in your mother’s womb. The combination of input from others (directly or indirectly), your experiences, and time, allows you to become the best version of yourself.

Growth is a journey; we are all continuing to evolve and becoming better. As you continue to have experiences you must recognize that there is always something to be learned. Take time to reflect in each moment and ask God what you are to learn from the experience. He will guide you every step of the way.

I have grown so much through all that I have experienced and through the people God has placed in my life to help me along the way. Many times in the process of growth, you want to give up because it seems so hard, but just like you got through it in the past, you’ll get through it again. Don’t get mad at the people that may not seem to have your best interest at heart; they are just people with the purpose to help you to grow (most times they don’t even know it). While they may mean it for bad, God will always work it out for your good.

I pray this is encouraging to someone as it was for me! Growth is continuous. Just like grapes go through a process of crushing to become wine, you too are going through a process and will come out better on the other side. I will win and so will you! #growing

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