Breaking Barriers

Have You Checked Your Inventory?

As a business owner every year at the end of the year I take inventory of products I have in stock. If you’ve ever worked in retail, you understand the “joys” of doing inventory. Going through each item to account for how much you have in stock. As we approach the end of the year, it’s time for us to do our inventory checks. How is your love? Giving? Bible reading? Prayer time? Time management? Forgiveness? For each of us our inventory will be different, however it’s time for us to take inventory and see what we need to restock or get rid of? What are some things that are not working for you in your life? Pettiness? Grudges? Bad eating habits? Laziness? It’s time for us to take inventory, myself included. I already know what I need to increase and decrease. How about you? #PersonalInventory