Breaking Barriers

How Comfortable are You?

I can’t remember where I’ve heard this saying, it’s time to move on when you become too comfortable. I’ve spent most of my career in the mental health field. I’ve done everything from direct care to Medical Records. I had to learn real quick about adapting. While I learned a lot about it, I never felt comfortable having to do it often. I love learning new things, but starting something new can be really scary. People wander why they cannot stop old/bad habits – it’s scary to change. But change is necessary, doing things out of your comfort zone is hard and nerve racking, however, it’s required in order for you to break barriers in your life. You have to dig deeper (Cosby Show fans insider, LOL) within yourself. There is so much more on the other side of whatever is a barrier for you. As I said before, fear is one of my barriers, me just writing this blog was breaking barriers (that’s another story for another blog). So what will you do today to break barriers in your life? Someone is waiting for you to walk in your purpose. Stop holding up progress!!!
