Breaking Barriers

How Much Do You Trust Him?

With the threat of Irma brewing in the Atlantic at its alarming force and not really knowing where it could go, I’m sure everyone is wondering what next. Life can be such a world wind at times, it starts out calm and then it seems to spiral out of control fast. You go from living your best life to learning about a layoff, infertility issues, family sickness, or divorce. Life hits hard and you don’t know what to do, you question, sometimes begin to worry, and then begin to pray. There then becomes a point in time when you have to ask yourself, how much do you truly trust God? In the midst of the storm, we sometimes get focused on circumstances and surroundings that we forget God and what he has done for us in the past. When adversity hits, I’ve had to learn to focus on God and remember his track record. But it’s so easy to get off course. As I was watching the news this morning, I was trying to gather all the information I can gather regarding Irma. I realized quickly how you can get pulled into the madness of it all. While, it’s important to be informed, you can’t allow that to suck you in and bring you to a place of worry. Stay focused! We must set limits for ourselves, if not people and/or circumstances will consume your life and you won’t be living your best life. So, in this season of the unknown, remember to stay focused and connected to the source, God. Be sure to also stay informed, but not overwhelmed. Lastly, trust God, think back on his track record, he brought you out the last time, he’ll do it again.