Breaking Barriers


Insecure, uncertain, anxious, or not sure. Isn’t it interesting how whenever we hear the word insecure we automatically think of something negative. As though, we’ve never been uncertain or anxious about anything. We all have some insecurities, there’s nothing wrong with it. It only becomes a problem when you’re unable to cope (that’s another story). I’m sure you’ve felt insecure about school, new job, start of a business, a new relationship, going on a date with someone you really like. We all have had those anxious feelings, but how do you deal with it? 

Starting this blog AND telling people I started this blog, brought all of those emotions to me. I was so unsure of myself and my capabilities, however I understood the bigger picture. This blog wasn’t just about me working through my barriers in life but about you working through your barriers as well. We all need a cheerleader and encourager to help us push ourselves to the next level in life. I pray that people read these blogs and feel inspired after reading to go out, use their gifts, and walk in their purpose. 

God is the secure in your insecure. We must trust in him. In the process of developing this blog I had to trust in him, and not in myself or my capabilities. He has equipped me. The scripture that comes to mind is Proverbs 3:5-6 (NIV), “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”

We must trust God, he helps our insecurities, for we are made perfect in him. God is able to do great things in our weaknesses. If you think of it, the worst the situation the more we know of God’s power. He can turn any situation around. Don’t allow your insecurities to keep you from living your best life. Go on step out and trust God, he’s got you!