Breaking Barriers

Is Life a Game???

Sometimes I think life is like a game. You must figure out the motives of others, do they truly have your best interest at heart, do they care, are they intentionally trying to hurt you, are they genuine? I’ve felt this way at work, at church (yes, church), and just in life. Sometimes life can feel like you are in a chess match, it’s your opponent’s turn and you’re trying to figure out all the moves that they will make and if the move they make is to set you up. As I think of this, I began to think of God. He is always the same, he never changes. You know his motives and you know that his goal is to bless you and not to harm you. You know that he wants more for you. So, what’s the resolve, don’t trust people? No, you can trust others, but trust God more. Allow God to direct you. Ask him for the spirit of discernment so you know who to deal with and who to stay away from. God will help you in this “game” of life. Stay focused on him in everything that you do. Ultimately knowing his purpose for you is to serve him and that purpose will be able to bless others.


  • Lakeisha Rayner

    Motives…. trying to figure out someones will send you on a wild goose hunt. It’s crazy that we sometimes do this in thinking that we have to “protect” ourselves. I’ve settled in knowing that as long as my “walk” is pleasing to God and not man. “Galatians 1:10.. I’m good!. So whatever motives that someone might have… I’m learning to care less and keep my focus on God😉.