Breaking Barriers

It’s Okay Not to Understand!

I often wonder why people do the things that they do, more so the negative things. I was talking with a friend about the negative comments that are made sometimes on social media. I wondered what would cause someone to make such negative, judgmental comments about things that are absolutely none of their business. But then it hit me, it’s not for you to understand. There are so many things I couldn’t imagine saying or doing to someone, even if it was my enemy. I understand never say never, but at this moment I can’t imagine it. The backbiting, name-calling, throwing people under the bus to save themselves, the negativity, and just plain evil in this world can all be so much and difficult to understand how and why people can say and do these things. But then I realized, I’m not supposed to understand because it’s just not in me.

When you have a good heart and are genuinely trying to do things right, you shouldn’t understand the thoughts and motives of the wicked because it’s just not in you. And that is a good thing. So while people continue to walk in their wicked ways, continue to be yourself, don’t allow the actions of others to ever change who you are and how you behave. You are who you are for a reason. In the words of our forever First Lady, Michelle Obama, “when they go low, we go high.” Be your positive self!

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