Breaking Barriers

It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year…

Christmas is my absolute favorite holiday. I love everything about it, spending time with family, the decorations, singing and Christmas songs, Christmas movies (my favorite is Miracle on 34th Street), and the spirit that it brings-people are more loving, caring, giving, and patient. As I think of all the great things Christmas brings, I recognize this same spirit is what Christ is all about, love, giving, peace, caring for one another. The true meaning of Christmas is about God giving us a gift, his Son. His Son, Jesus, was given to us to be an example and to deliver us. What a wonderful gift! As I think of all that the season is to me, I am reminded that the reason for the season is Christ. While the spirit of Christmas is wonderful, we must keep that same spirit, which essentially is the spirit of Christ. We must be sure to be more giving, caring, peaceful, and share the love ❤️ of Christ, not just during this season, but always. How is your love meter? Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas!!