Breaking Barriers

Move Forward!

Let’s talk about how God will place ideas in your heart, it’s easy to think of ideas, the hard part is actually putting those ideas to paper and to action. God truly has blessed me with the gift of ideas. I can come up with all types of ideas, but when it comes time to putting those ideas to work, I get stuck or get consumed with other things that take my focus from the vision God gives to me. I believe that God is calling his people to more in 2017. He wants me and you to be and do more, this includes all parts of our lives, work, school, church, business, home, in the community, and while you’re alone and no one is watching. He wants us to walk in his word, be who he  has called us to be. We are fearfully and wonderfully made. Is this scary, heck yeah, it’s scary, but isn’t living your life on this Earth as average and not doing what he put you here to do, even more scary? I think it’s more important to walk in his will. His word promised that he will be with us every step of the way. Will there be heartaches? Absolutely! Will there be disappointments? Yep! Will there be scary moments? Yup!! Will you feel alone at some points? Probably! But one thing is for sure, he will be with you. Up and down the hills/mountains and through the valleys, he will be there every step of the way. He has made a promise to you, and he is not a man that he will lie. So, what’s stopping you? The King of Kings and the Lord of Lords will be with you. He will comfort you, he will guide you, he will give you gifts of joy, peace, love, and he will even send reminders along the way to ensure that you know he is still there and to encourage you. So, I ask the question again, what is stopping you?
Now, I am not just writing this for you, I am writing this for me. To encourage me to keep pushing and striving for my goals, to walk in the promises of the King, and to move forward toward the vision that he has given to me. I speak from a person that has spent the last two years trying to get her self-esteem back, a person who has struggled with moments of sadness and feelings of despair, a woman is continuing to conquer her fears, a woman who has dealt with feelings of insecurity. There are so many struggles that I have encountered along my journey called life. Am I saying that it has been all bad, no, but what I am saying is I am human, just like you. I put on my pants just like you, I even poop, just like you (a little humor). God continues to speak to me and remind me that he loves me. He showed the ultimate sign of love by sending his son to die on the cross for me. I am worth just that and so are you. How many people do you know will give up their life for you? God is a faithful God and he continues to assure us that he will be with us every step of the way. He made us in his image with a vision for us in mind. No one can work your vision but you! So, I ask the same question again, what is stopping you from living the life God created you to live?

I am excited about the great things to come for you and for me! Be blessed!!!