Breaking Barriers

It’s Time to Write

It took me a while to realize the benefits of writing. I wasn’t always a writer, not that i consider myself one now, lol. From time to time I would keep journals, write down my thoughts, but I was never as consistent as I should have been. It was a few years back when I realized how powerful the gift of writing could be, at least for me. Writing was therapeutic! I could write any and all my thoughts with no judgments, no consequences. I could release and get out whatever I needed to get out. Better out than in “they” say, right? Lol.

I received some great advice sometime back, sometimes you just need to write to get all the thoughts out of your head. So that’s what I would do, I would do a brain dump, then try to organize my thoughts. From brain dumps came the idea of this blog and so many other things I have yet to do. So why am I saying this, I’m saying this to help you as someone helped me, write and do a brain dump. Get out all of your thoughts, good, bad, ugly, indifferent, dreams, heartaches, anxieties, whatever it is write it out and get it out of your head. Give the bad, ugly, heartaches, and anxieties to God and allow him to deal with them in your heart. But also give him the good, the indifferent (there could be some good there), and dreams and remind him of the desires of your heart. Then, take the time to write your vision and make it plain as the scripture says, not only for God, but for you to see. We have to write out our plans and give it to God. Allow him to order your steps along the way, you only want what he wants for you.

I was riding home from work yesterday, trying to think of what I could write about and I thought about two things, brain dump and writing the vision! These can be two separate things, however in that moment they were both given to me, I believe it was a divine moment for me. It was a reminder of what I needed to do. We receive advice often and think of it as great advice, but sometimes we get so caught up in life that we forget to take the time to put the advice into action. So, I’m going to take this advice, make the time and put it into action. Brain dump and writing the vision, next on the list! I believe this blog post was not only to help me but to also help you. Living your best life starts with taking action towards it by writing the vision. The brain dump is there to help you clear out the clutter. I’m sure you’ve noticed you function so much better in some type of structure and organization, no matter how organized you feel your disorganization is. Lol. It’s time to WRITE and I mean with paper and pen! You’ve got this! See you at the top!

P.S. This is not a one time thing, this is a continuous process! There’s always room to grow!


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