Breaking Barriers

It’s Working For My Good!

When I was growing up I’ve always had a sense of what I wanted to do with my life. I wanted to be a nurse since the fourth grade. I had my life planned out; after graduating from high school, I would go off to college to receive my degree in nursing, then move to Charlotte and work at one of the hospitals. I would be married by 24, first child by 26, and second (last child, smile) by 28. My husband and I would travel and see the world. I would eventually own my own business, and just live the “good life”, whatever that is, lol. It was my junior year in college when I realized things don’t always go as planned and what we have in mind is not always what’s best for us or God’s plan. I changed my major my junior year and since then I’ve been trying to figure out this thing called life. Lol.

Fast forward to now, I’m turning 35 and it’s so surreal. I never would have imagined my life as it is right now, but I’m grateful for every step of the way. Everything along the way has made me who I am today. I am victorious, I am an overcomer, and my future is greater! Jeremiah 29:11 says I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and to give you a hope and a future.” My latter will be better. I never would have imagined being to this age with no husband, no children and still trying to figure out my career aspirations, but here I am and I’m still grateful. It is all working for my good!

So, why share this? I’m a work in progress as we all are, just as God is working on you, he’s working on me. While the manifestation of my dreams and his call on my life is not visible, I know it’s on the way. I have to stay focused on Him and he will make my path straight. No matter what you are going through, what your situation looks like, know that God is able to turn it all around, you just have to give up control and allow Him to work in and through you. All things work for the good of those who love the Lord! #trustGod #trusttheprocess #itsmybirthday #HappyBirthdaytome #Imgrateful #thebestisyettocome


  • Crystal W

    Happy birthday to one of my dearest, oldest, and WISEST friends! May God add His richest blessings to you and grant you the very desires of your sweet heart. Love you!

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