Breaking Barriers


This morning as I was checking my social media pages, I saw a post I posted a few years back honoring my grandmother on her birthday. As I went on through the day, I wondered what would I post on Bridgette Breaking Barriers. I was scheduled to post something today, but I had nothing. I started writing a couple of posts, but nothing worked out. I later noticed a Facebook post by my aunt honoring my grandmother. Today, would have been her 99th birthday. In this moment, the word legacy came to mind. I never had the pleasure of meeting my grandmother face to face. What I know about her is from stories and pictures that have been shared with me. In these stories, I learned a lot from her; she was a quiet woman of God with a heart for serving others, a hard-worker, and she was blessed with a hand for cooking great dishes. Her legacy was passed on through her children, and through them I have been blessed to learn more about her and even taste her famous biscuits. Although I was never able to meet her, I am thankful for her influence and the legacy that she left behind.

We want to live a life that is pleasing to God, one that is filled with purpose. Do you know your purpose? God has a plan for each of our lives, how are you walking in that plan? The word legacy is about leaving something behind to someone. defines legacy as a gift of property, especially personal property, as money, by will; anything handed down from the past, as from an ancestor or predecessor. So as I think on this question myself, I will pose the same question to you, what type of legacy do you want to leave? How do you want people to speak of you when you are no longer here? I want to leave a legacy of being a fearless woman of God. I’m not there yet, but now that I understand the goal, I have something to work towards. I have many more barriers to break :)! What legacy will you leave for those that come after you? #legacy