Breaking Barriers

Lessons Learned

I know, it has been a while since I’ve posted a blog. As I’ve shared with some of you, I took a little sabbatical in the midst of my sabbatical. I updated my website, so consider this as the unveiling. I decided to share some lessons I have learned in the few weeks I’ve been away. Isn’t life cool, we are constantly on a journey learning more about ourselves and the people around us. So, here are some lessons learned, I hope this proves to be insightful to you, as it was for me.

  1. Take breaks often: I decided initially to take a little bit of a break from social media and it evolved into taking a break from blogging as well. I used this time to refresh personally and my website. Breaks are good, they give you a fresh perspective and remind you of the things that matter most. I took this time to redefine who I was in Christ and my purpose. 
  2. Decisions can be tough to make, however, they have to be done; Trust God anyway: Have you ever had to make a tough decision and avoided making it? LOL. That was me. I recently had to make a big decision and boy did I push it off. Once I finally made the decision, God began to show me the benefits of trusting Him. He used the people around me to remind me that when we make decisions with the help of the Lord, he will continue to provide for us and give us the desires of our hearts. We have to learn to trust him more. There are blessings in trusting God and his plan for our lives. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding” Proverbs 3:5.
  3. JUMP: Sometimes when you have dreams in your heart, you just have to jump into it, and figure it out along the way. I’ve wanted to expand my blog since its inception. It was always my desire to have a t-shirt line as an extension of my blog. I have also had other ideas, however, I became comfortable with just blogging, so I continued in my comfort zone and never pushed myself to go further, until now. During this time, I have read, researched, taken classes, and now I have to jump. There is more on the way, so be on the lookout for the Bridgette Breaking Barrier’s t-shirt line and so much more. No more standing on the sidelines, its time to get in the game. What is something you have been putting off that it is time for you to JUMP into? No more waiting on the sidelines, its time to get in the game!
  4. It’s okay to Begin Again: Starting over can be tough and no one wants to do it, but sometimes it is necessary to move forward. While I was “on break” I decided to continue with my podcast. I have redefined the podcast and named it, Tales from Barrier Breakers, as we are all Barrier Breakers. On this podcast, I will share the stories of those who have chosen to break barriers in their lives. My first podcast under the newly formed name is about Beginning Again. My guest, Rev. Cornelius Lloyd shared his experience of beginning again. It was a blessing to me to be apart of the podcast, but even the replay blessed me. I pray the same will be true for you. Be sure to listen and learn more about Beginning Again. It’s okay to start over. 
  5. The Word Still Works: Lastly, I learned more about the power of God’s Word and prayer. Prayer and the Bible are two things I do not think I could live without. When making tough decisions, struggling with situations day today, it is the word that brings comfort, peace, and hope. I was able to dive in a little more, learning more about God and therefore more about me, because I was created in His image. During difficult seasons, it is important to hold a specific scripture in your heart to encourage you along the way. What is your scripture in this season? One of my scriptures in this season is Proverbs 3:5-6 NIV, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your path straight.” In addition to my scripture, I have a song that has been on my heart recently. The song is by Anthony Brown & Group Therapy, “This Week.” Check it out when you can.

These are a few of the lessons learned during my time away. I pray these lessons will bless you as they did for me. Continue to break barriers in your life. Be on the lookout for the new things I have to come, including my t-shirt line. Yes, I’m back!!


  • Lynda M. Milnet

    Writing and being published by Traditional Publishers has been my dream for decades. I wanted to be published, therefore, I took the easy and most expensive way which was self publishing! I was so excited that I did it twice, but much to my chagrin , I did not get euphoria! Nor did I get the financial break that I hoped for.
    My learned lesson was that I did not put the work in that I should have to get the desired outcome.
    Currently, I am doing so. I am listening to and engaging in webinars , while researching Traditional Publishers to find out their guidelines for submitting manuscripts and matching their genres .

    Fortunately, I have several completed manuscripts and some that aren’t.
    God spoke to me before I gave up and simply asked me to Trust!

    • Bridgette

      Amen! We must trust Him and do our part. He will bless our efforts. Thank you for sharing your journey and the work that you are putting in now. I know great things are to come for you. Keep pushing!