Breaking Barriers

Let it Go! 

Have you ever had someone to do you so wrong that you decide, “you know what, I’m done with you?” Like they did you real dirty, you know the unforgivable dirty, you know! Lol. As a Christian we are all striving to be more like Jesus, we are are striving to be more loving, forgiving, non-judgmental, you know all of those things and then some. All those things are good and cute until somebody does you wrong, like really wrong. I was reading about Judas last night, every time I read that story or even think of that story I think, he was so grimy. He ain’t right! Have you ever had someone to do a Judas on you, you know sell you out for some money. Or maybe it wasn’t money, maybe it was popularity, a new job opportunity, your job, or a new girlfriend or boyfriend? I mean they really “pissed” you off. So Judas was like the epitome of grimy and he knew it, maybe a little too late, but he knew it. 
I was thinking last night as I read the story again, what if Judas didn’t do what he did, he didn’t sell Jesus out? What if he kept quiet and just quietly denied Jesus as the other disciples did (that was a little shade, I know, that was intentional, lol)? Would Jesus have not gone to the cross to die for our sins? Everything that happened was apart of the plan, God’s plan, it all had to happen so that everything that followed would happen. Now, of course Judas made a choice, just like the person that did you wrong, but it was all necessary to make you who you are today. It was apart of the plan to build you up. Didn’t that situation make you stronger? It helped prepare you for other things in your life. It perhaps even prepared pushed you closer to God. It all was apart of the plan to make you who you are now. As I thought on this story, I realized that I must be grateful even for the bad things that have happened in my life, it made me the person I am now and I wouldn’t trade it for anything. So, when you think of forgiveness of “that” person, it doesn’t seem so bad after all right? I know it’s hard, but think of the collateral beauty that it brought, the new you! Let it GO, God can and will help you, if you truly want to let it go. Jesus knew Judas’ purpose in his life, so he did not allow himself to be rattled by Judas. Judas served his purpose and essentially it helped Jesus serve his purpose and we were blessed because of it. 

Be blessed!! 


  • Crystal W

    I love this. A friend and I were just talking about forgiveness last night. It’s not easy, but we can learn so much through forgiveness as you said. You know the cliche’: what the devil meant for bad, God can turn for good.