Breaking Barriers

Let’s Catch Up

I know, I know, it’s been a while since I’ve posted anything. I figured I’d take some time to catch you up on my life. I’ve been crazy busy lately, and honestly, procrastination is real. LOL. SMH. Before I share another post, I figured I’d share what I’ve been up to during my short hiatus (I promise it wasn’t intentional).

Life has been great! I’ve been super busy between work, my business (you know I’m the Mary Kay Diva, right?, shameless plug,, check me out for your healthy skin needs), started a new health journey (yeah, I’m just as shocked as you, LOL), and just living life. Let’s start with work, I work in Human Resources at a local hospital and in the month of May, we had open enrollment. Since I worked (we’ll get to the past tense in a few) in benefits, it was a busy time for us, answering questions and helping people to get enrolled. Then I decided that I wanted to start a wellness journey. I joined a gym, started going to some classes, got a dietician, and a personal trainer. All of this is a part of a wellness program at my job. So, busy at work plus busy after work = tired Bridgette lol. It’s been a great journey though, and I’m learning so much about myself.

Back to the past tense, worked. I got a promotion! In the midst of going through open enrollment, starting a wellness journey, I got a promotion, which meant I had to prepare to pass the torch to someone else and prepare for my new role. Needless to say, it was a busy time. I would literally come home and fall asleep on the couch. LOL. A sister be tired.

Even through the busyness, I made time for life and time with family. I have enjoyed lots of quality time with my family and creating new experiences. I tried to do a horseback ride on the beach, but God said, not so. As soon as we got on the horse, thunder and lighting started, so that postponed that experience. Another thing I did during my hiatus was a walk through the marsh on dry land, which was cool. And I’m getting better and better with this whole TikTok thing (follow me @bridgetteb919). I also tried a new seafood spot, with which I fell in love and explored some new areas. I figured I’d share a few pictures with you (see. below).

Enough about me. How are you? What’s new in your world? Are you learning more about yourself each day? What books are you reading? Are you still breaking barriers? How is that going for you? I pray all is well with you. Feel free to share any praise reports or if you have any prayer requests, send me an email and I can agree with you in prayer. Thank you for reading this blog post! Until next time, I promise it won’t be long before my next blog post :).