Breaking Barriers

Letting go of Ego & Pride

I want to take the time to introduce you to two of my friends, Ego & Pride. Ego and I have been friends for some time now, initially, she was there to help me understand my self-esteem and self-importance. But every now and then she just goes too far and has me to believe that because of who I am I should expect certain things. And then there’s my friend, Pride, she’s like my ride or die friend, she actually can be a bit irrational. Our friendship started in order to help me understand my value, but as I said, sometimes, she can be irrational and go too far. Peer pressure is something else. I’m sure you’ve experienced it before, in which you knew something was wrong, but you did it any because your “friends” influenced you.

These are my friends, you might have the same friends or perhaps you have some other friends that often cause you to get into some sticky situations. Friends like, Anger, Pettiness, Entitlement, Hurt, Bitterness. If they are anything like my friends, they may cause you to forget that you are a child of God and the expectations that come with being a child of God. Sometimes the friends we hang around are just not good for us, because they get in the way of our advancing to the next level. They essentially hold us back from being better. That is definitely the case for me, Ego and Pride have held me back. At times when I needed to overlook something someone did or said to me, Ego or Pride reminded me, I’m better than that and I must put them in their place by any means necessary.

I’m continually trying to let go of them as friends. I also have another friend, his name is Holy Spirit and he’s always there to remind me of scriptures to help me navigate. When Ego tells me to remind someone of who I am, Holy Spirit reminds me that vengeance is the Lord’s and that I owe no man anything but to love them. Holy Spirit is a great friend, he comforts me, reminds me of the love of God, and most importantly he reminds me that it’s not my role to fight the battle, just give it to God and let Him handle it. Let me invite you to add Holy Spirit to your friends list. The more you listen to Holy Spirit, your other friends will begin to fall.

Don’t let your bad friends keep you from growing and becoming better. Be intentional to listen for the voice of your friend, Holy Spirit. He’s here to guide you along the way. Loose the other friends, Holy Spirit is all you need! #lettinggoofegoandpride

One Comment

  • Satiqua

    I needed this reminder. Thanks Holy Spirit for being a true friend and guide. We are always growing and changing. Sometimes we lose friends along the way. Thank GOD that the Holy Spirit will ALWAYS be there!

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