Breaking Barriers

Life Spoken through Your Words

I’ve been reading this devotion called, Words they become you. It’s been absolutely wonderful to read. Isn’t it something to know the things you say has on impact on you. The most recent devotion speaks of speaking to your dead situation. The devotion spoke about the prophet Ezekiel in the Bible and the valley of dry bones. He was able to speak over the bones and the bones came to life. Great example for us and our situations. In the midst of our dead situations, we feel it’s hopeless but this scripture reminds us, God gives hope to a hopeless situation; with him all things are possible. I hope you are encouraged today to go back to the word of God and use it to bring hope to your dead situation. Consult God and His Word, your dead situation can have life again.

Last weekend I went see the sunflowers that I had heard so much about and to my surprise, they were on their last leg, lol. Before going to see the sunflowers, I read my devotion to speaking to dead situations, so when I saw the field of sunflowers drooping, I saw hope. I was reminded of the valley of dead bones that Ezekiel was able to speak over with the words of the Lord. There were still evidence of life with some of the flowers, which reminded me in a dead situation all things aren’t lost. There is still life somewhere. With God, there is light at the end of the tunnel, speak life over your situation, he can bring it back to life.

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