Breaking Barriers

Make Room

Let me start out by sharing my truth, I had no idea what I wanted to write about this week, therefore, I made a conscious decision to skip this week. But then God stepped in. I was reminded last night of an agreement I made with God at the beginning of the year to make more room for Him. I had the pleasure of attending a bible study tonight and as I was leaving, the song, “Make Room” was being played. Why did this resonate with me you ask? Well, I’m a part of my church’s dance ministry and the end of last year, we danced to this song. It was more than me just dancing, as it is the case every time we dance, it was ministry, not just for the people watching, but also for me. This song ministered to me and reminded me that I needed to make more room for God in my life.

So often, we allow our day to day responsibilities to get in the way of our relationship with God. And God will not battle for time with us, either you will or you won’t. The words of the song reminded me that if I can make space for everything else in my life, I can make room for God. So, I’m writing this short blog post to ask a question, have you made room for God in your life? Have you given Him your all? Are you spending time with Him as you should? I’m not only asking you these questions, but I’m questioning myself as well. I hope this short post is a reminder to make room for God and make him a priority in your life. Happy Friday! REmember to make this day great!

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