Breaking Barriers

Make Room for God’s Plan!

Currently, I’m going through a transition period and because of that, I’ve been struggling with questions of why, when, and how? At church on Sunday, I was reminded of Mary, the mother of Jesus and her willingness to be a servant of God. Mary was chosen to bring Jesus into the world. She was a virgin engaged to be married to Joseph. She could have been stoned or even loss her soon to be husband, and what would people think of her? But none of that mattered to her, she moved forward and did what was asked of her with a willing spirit. According to scripture her response was, “I am the Lord’s servant,” Mary answered. “May your word to me be fulfilled (Luke 1:38 NIV).” What was asked of her was outside of her plans and desires, but she was willing to move forward according to God’s will anyhow. And because of her obedience, we were all blessed with the gift of Jesus, which is the reason for this season we are celebrating.

Doing things for the kingdom isn’t always easy, but it’s necessary. Necessary for us to grow and to help others grow. For this reason, we have to be obedient to the will of God and his plans for our lives. We cannot allow ourselves to get caught up in questioning why, when, and how long, we must trust God and trust his purpose. We know his plan is always better than what we could ever imagine or think. So, if you’re like me in a transition period, know that he is working it all out for your good and recognize that following his will, can not only be a blessing for you but for others as well, just as Mary’s story tells us. Be sure as you are going through life, you are making room for Jesus and his plan for you. Allow God to do what he wants in your life! It’s already working for your good. Remember your obedience will not only bless you, but others will be blessed because of it as well. Stay obedient to God and be encouraged, you later will be far greater!