Breaking Barriers


As I was commuting to work the other day, I began to think of God’s miracles. Throughout the Bible there are many instances of miracles; men being raised from the dead, blind men seeing, the sick being healed, and so many more. There are many that would say miracles only occurred in the times of the Bible and they no longer exist, but I have experienced otherwise. In the past few months, I have witnessed many miracles: healings from cancer and other sicknesses, going from needing assistance breathing to breathing freely and working through rehabilitation, just to name a few. I know God is still working miracles because I’ve seen it for myself. I’m sure you have witnessed them as well. Many times we underestimate the simple miracles around us; miracles as simple as waking up and walking. There are so many others that can’t get up and walk. We often don’t know the many times God spared our lives, preventing us from that terrible accidents, or the fire that could have happened. Take some time to think, there are miracles all around! Life in itself is a miracle.

I watched a video the other day of Oprah being interviewed, she shared that every morning when she wakes up the first thing she does is says, “thank you”. Hearing this reminded me that I must be grateful in all things because it could have been different. So, I’m reminding you today to be grateful and be watchful of the many miracles around you. #miraclesstillexist


  • Lynda Milner

    This is so very true!!! I am a witness of the many miracles that God has performed in the lives of my family’s lives as well as my own!!
    And you are so right , life is a miracle in itself…I am grateful each and every day!!
    AWESOME MESSAGE, Bridgett!!!