Breaking Barriers

Move Forward Freely

Last night as I was trying to go to sleep, I had this vision of someone trying to move forward, they were moving but going no where fast. I realized they were not going anywhere because there was something pulling them from behind. Instantly I thought, what’s holding me back? I’ve recognized at times I can hold on to things, whether it’s a grudge or just someone doing something bad to me, I hold on to it. Recently, I experienced someone lying to me and I’ve had thoughts of confronting the person to let them know that knew that they flat out lied, but then I thought, what good would that do? They knew they lied when they opened their mouth and spoke the words, how would that give me “justice.” It won’t change a thing. Now, I’m sure there are times when you have to tackle things such as this, but in this instance, it wasn’t going to make anything better. So I told myself, “just move on Bridgette! Get over it!” Lol.

Often times, we hold on to things, grudges, someone doing us wrong, or hurting us. It’s time to let it go and move on. Holding on to those things causes more issues for us than it does to the person that did it. They are and have moved on with their lives and we are still worried about what they did. It’s time to forgive. I recognize that my vision was showing me how ridiculous it looks to walk forward but not go anywhere. When we hold on to unforgiveness, we are holding ourselves back from moving forward. Are you holding on to something you need to let go? It’s time to move on, let go, and walk forward freely. God is waiting for you! As we quickly approaching the new year, we must take inventory of our lives, what we can improve and what is working for us currently that we can continue to do. Don’t let your unforgiveness join you in 2020! Let it go and move forward freely! #moveforwardfreely