Breaking Barriers

“My Family”

I’m beyond thankful for the family God has blessed me with, I have learned so much from them whether words were spoken or not there have been great lessons learned. I’m sure if you think deep enough, you will come to know some things your family has taught you, whether it’s how to survive, learn to sing, or even what not to do. There’s always a lesson to be learned.

My dad is a great story-teller. I love to listen to him tell stories about growing up on the farm, his lessons taught to him by his father, or lessons learned in his adulthood. One of my favorite stories my dad has shared helped me to learn more about God and his expectations of us, I’ll share with you. One summer day, my dad was plowing the corn with his father. He recounts this day was extremely hot. My dad noticed it was so hot this day as they plowed he could see nothing, but dust. It had not rained for sometime and my dad felt they were messing up the crop. It came time for lunch and after eating my dad and grandfather went to sit on the porch. My dad looked over at my grandfather and said, plowing in this heat is messing up the crop, why don’t we just stop plowing and go fishing. My dad just knew my grandfather would go for fishing, he loved to fish. But my grandfather’s response was totally different than my dad expected, he asked my father, “can you make it rain?” My dad’s response, “no sir, I can’t make it rain, my grandfather, “but you can plow right?” My dad, “yes, sir.” My grandfather’s response, “you worry about what you can do and let God handle the rest.” My dad said they went back to plowing shortly after, as the day went on, it began to rain. My dad remembers, that year was the best corn crop my grandfather ever had that he remembered.

In this story, I learned that I can’t be concerned about anything but what I can do. If I do my part, God will handle the rest. Remember, faith without works is dead. What lessons have you learned from your family, good or bad? Whether it was a story like the story my dad shared with me, a saying, or their actions, there was something to learn. Remember, God can use anyone, any situation, or any circumstance to teach you something. There are lessons to be learned all around us, be open to receive those lessons as they come. Be sure to ponder on them, then share with others, as I’m sharing with you.


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