Breaking Barriers

Patience my Friend…

One of my favorite stories of the Bible is the story of Hannah. Why is it my favorite story? Well, let me ask you a question, have you ever had to be patient and wait on something you felt you deserved. Wait could mean, 1 month, 2 minutes lol, or even years. This is why I love the story of Hannah; it’s a story of being patient, waiting and trusting God, and then honoring God with the gift. Hannah was a great woman of God; she desired to have a child but was unable. She prayed, praised God, and prayed some more. She promised God that when he blessed her with her son, she will give him back to God. She was finally able to get pregnant and she kept her word by giving her son back to God. We all have a great desire for something, whether it’s a child, a spouse, new job or new house, we all have desires. As we pray for these desires, we must do as Hannah showed us: pray, praise, be patient, and honor God with the gift once he blesses. Our purpose here is to give God glory, as we share with others about our blessings we must be sure to honor him and give him glory for allowing it to happen. Now as you continue to pray for God to bless you with whatever your desire is, ask yourself a simple question, how will this honor or glorify God. Remember, Hannah’s baby son was given back to God, he became a well known prophet of God. How will God get the glory out of your desires?


  • Crystal W

    This is so spot on for me right now! You’re so right. I believe waiting builds character in us. But you said a mouthful about God getting the glory. Of all the things I’m waiting for, I have to be sure that the objects of my faith all glorify God. This is amazing and I needed it. Thank you so much!

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