Breaking Barriers

Patiently Waiting…

I was driving home from a concert the other night and as I was driving I followed the signs, but there was one point I began to question where I was going because it didn’t look right. I had driven this same road several times before but at this one point it didn’t seem like I was on the right road. I pulled out my GPS to ensure I was going on he right path, but the directions didn’t pull up fast enough. I then saw another sign that indicated I was on the right track. The exit that I needed to get off on wasn’t coming fast enough or as fast as I thought it should come. After I realized I was on the right path, I began to think of life and how we are quick to get uptight because things are not coming as fast as we feel they should come. Sometimes we reach for our GPS system better known as God and the Word of God and when we don’t get the response we want we become frustrated or even mad. So many times God gives us specific instructions but we question it every step of the way – the timing doesn’t seem right, I thought it would happen by now, how is it that they got it before me? All the thoughts that come to mind and God is there hearing and listening to our thoughts while shaking his head. He is really trying to figure out why is it that they still don’t trust me? I’ve brought them out of this situation and that situation, allowed them to get that new job/home etc, but at the end of the day they still question me?

As I drove I was reminded of the importance of patience and trust. If I’m going to trust God I must trust his timing as well. I’ve struggled with my singleness from time to time through the years. I often wonder why hasn’t God blessed me with my husband yet, but more and more he reminds me of his promise to me and what he needs from me in the midst of my waiting. I must be patient and trust his process. I’m sure there are many that may read this blog that are waiting on something, whether it’s a spouse, child, house, job; let me encourage you to have patience, trust God and his timing. He is the author of time, he is in control. I was reminded of the scripture, “The LORD is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him; it is good to wait quietly for the salvation of the LORD (Lamentations‬ ‭3:25-26‬ ‭NIV‬‬).”

So where do we go from here? We wait……patiently….. trust the process….. and prepare, faith without works is dead. In your time of waiting, do all that you can do to prepare for your dream to come to fruition. If you’re waiting for a house, how’s your credit? Waiting for a job, have you been applying and using ALL your resources as you can? Waiting for a spouse, are you already operating as a spouse, as a woman, I get great practice submitting to God. Waiting for your baby, start buying clothes and preparing to be a mother/father. There are things that must be done as you go through the process and wait for your dream to become a reality. Happy Patiently Waiting!!!


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