Breaking Barriers

Perseverance Brings Reward

Over the weekend I had the pleasure of going to a grape stomping event; there I was able to stomp grapes and pick them off the vine. I was extremely excited to have this experience. I had seen the episode of I love Lucy many times before when Lucy went to go stomp grapes at a vineyard in Italy. I love that episode. Ever since watching it, I’ve wanted to stomp grapes just like Lucy.

As I put my feet down into the grapes, the initial feeling was slimy, not fun. But it was the experience right? As I began to “stomp” the grapes I realized it’s not as easy as it seems and I know exactly why Lucy kept falling. The grapes were skimpy and very slippery. I put my hand on my hips trying to be a pro as Lucy had done but I couldn’t do it for long, I needed to hold on to something to keep going.

After the experience, I learned a few things.

It’s easy to get excited about something but to get in it and want to quit because it “seemed” easier than it was. Being uncomfortable is required; don’t quit keep going.

Your perseverance breeds reward. Stomping grapes will ultimately produce wine, and for a business it will bring in financial benefits; keep moving there’s a reward on he other side

Faster doesn’t always mean better, sometimes it’s okay to do it slow and easy

If you fall, clean yourself off and keep going.

Hold on to something solid. I had to hold on to the post beside me to ensure I didn’t fall. In life you should hold on something solid such as God and His word, it will help you stay up and keep towards the mission ahead.

It’s amazing how experiences can teach you. Don’t go through something good or bad without allowing yourself to learn something in the process. This was an amazing experience; it was fun and exciting and it also helped me to remember to keep going even though it’s uncomfortable. Although it may be hard, keep going and lean on support (ie. God and His word).


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