Breaking Barriers

Pivot & Learn

It’s so interesting when I started my blog the idea of breaking barriers came to mind, but the more I live it out the more I come to understand that term so much more. As life occurs, I recognize how often we face obstacles in our lives and the measures we take to get pass them. The word that comes to mind through all of this is pivot.

When trials come we often become annoyed, angry, agitated, and frustrated, but it is in those moments we must go back to God and ask the question what do you want me to gain through this experience. The other day as I attempted to start a new project, I learned that there was a error made and it therefore blocked my start of the new project. Well, I was annoyed for several reasons, but after I went back and forth about it in my mind, I went back to God. My words, “okay, God, I know everything happens for a reason, help me to not allow my frustration to win and keep me from missing what it is that you will have for me to learn in this situation.” While I’m still trying to understand exactly what I was to learn in that situation, I know it will work itself out for me. One thing for sure I got was I have to know when it’s time to pivot. Pivot essentially means to turn and go in another direction. In life you will have moments that you need to pivot, but don’t allow your frustration to take you to another place. We have to learn to go with the flow. God allows things to happen and we must remind ourselves to learn from these situations. Asking myself the question of what am I to learn from this situation and allow God to come in and help me, he is of course ultimately the one in charge, lol. This brings peace and keeps you open to learning in every situation.

As we approach the end of the year and decade, take inventory, what’s going right and what are some things you can improve upon. I plan to do the same. Ask God to help you recognize areas where you should pivot and remain open to the Holy Spirit as he will guide you through this process. #Pivot&Learn

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