I’m excited about the Producing Through the Pandemic Master Class series. This has been a blessing to me and so many others. I am seeing the fruit from this series already. We have made it to the final week of the series 😢. I know its sad to see this come to an end, but perhaps not. Be sure to let me know if this series has been a blessing to you. Please take some time to give your feedback in this brief survey.
In this week’s Master Class, I partnered with Savannah’s Girlfriend Mrs. Brenda L. Jackson-Brown discussing Living on Purpose: Revitalizing the Dream. This interview was powerful! Your choice, Bridgette Breaking Barriers Podcast or watch on YouTube. Links listed below. Be Blessed!

YouTube – Living on Purpose: Revitalizing the Dream with Mrs. Brenda L. Jackson-Brown
Anchor – Living on Purpose: Revitalizing the Dream with Mrs. Brenda L. Jackson-Brown