Breaking Barriers

Quitting is Not an Option!

They say anything worth having is worth working for, however, when you’re going through it, you’re like, “yeah, yeah, whatever” *insert eye roll* lol. In school, I always had to work hard. For some school came easy, but that wasn’t my story. I had to study more, read and re-read to fully understand and even then sometimes that wasn’t enough. Sometimes, I needed help. This taught me the value of hard work.

I’m sure you have come across something that was super hard and difficult to get pass, how did you handle it? In this life, we know that difficult moments will come, you will have to work really hard to get the things you really want. Keep this one thing in mind as you go through tough or trying times, quitting is not an option. Keep working hard and soon you’ll be able to look back on it and just smile because you made it.

This blog post will be short, this is just encouragement to someone (including me 🙂) to keep pushing and striving, you can’t give up. It maybe hard, it may seem you’ll never get passed it, but keep going. In the end, you’ll be glad you did. God allows us opportunities like these to build us up more and to remind us, that he will be with you every step of the way. He will send encouraging words, people, and reminders that he’s got our back and most importantly, we can do it! Keep going, quitting is not an option! See you on the other side! Greatness is next!

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