All experiences are not the best. Each of us have experienced trials and tribulations of our own in our past. I was reminded the other day as I was driving home in the rain, that trouble won’t last always and once it is in your past, it’s behind you. As I drove home the other night, I looked in the rearview mirror and noticed how dark the sky looked, but on the road ahead the sky was brighter. At that moment, I was reminded that while I may go through trouble, it will not last forever and at some point, I will be able to
While in the troubles of my past, it seemed as though it would never pass, however, eventually it did. And in the end, I was better for it. You may be going through a difficult time in your life, but this is a small reminder to keep the faith. Just as you were able to get through the many trials of your past, you will get through this trial. I am amazed at how God will send small reminders to reassure us of his presence and love for us. As I drove in the car, I was reminded trouble won’t last always and there is always a lesson to be learned through our trials. I want to encourage you too, this is not the time to give up; this too shall pass. Keep moving forward; only look back as a reminder that you are strong and can get through your current situation, just like you did before!