Breaking Barriers


The start of a new year brings lots of changes, some people come up with their new year resolutions and create vision boards, while others may write it all down in their journals. Whatever is your way, the start of a new year is a fresh start. It’s a perfect time for you to reinvent yourself. I was having a conversation with a friend the other day and we were talking about changing things up and doing things differently. She used the word “reinvent” and I fell in love. So many times we allow ourselves to get stuck in how things are currently, but the word reinvent reminds me that we have control. We can change things around to a point that it’s new.

The act of reinventing is not just about being new, but it’s about a shift occurring. You’ve been going to work for years and “those” people continue to get on your nerves. Perhaps its “you” that need to change, whether that change is a new perspective or a new job. Whatever it is, you are the one that has to reinvent yourself and make a shift. As we dig deeper into 2020, let us go to God to get direction on our clear vision and begin to reinvent the things in our lives that can use a change or shift. They say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results. It’s time for you to reinvent some things in your life and make some changes for the better. Only you know what those things are, whether it’s your job, business, relationship, thinking, or confidence, make a decision and move forward. It’s time. Your future self will thank you. Now, let me go so I can make my list of reinventions :). Happy New Year!! #reinvent