Breaking Barriers

Sit In It!

In a world where we move so fast, IG reels, instant rice, drive-thrus, and so many other quick fixes, it’s hard to slow down. We move from one thing to the next very quickly. Our attention spans last but for a few minutes then on to the next thing (as I type this post, I’m watching tv, multitasking 🙄). 

As we approach the end of the year, I’m reminded of the importance of sitting in it. What does it mean to sit in it? Well, you take time to process what happened. Many times at the end of the year we do a review of what happened in the year, the highs, the lows, the ups, and the downs, but how often do we do it regularly. Decisions made, good or bad, how often do we sit in it and evaluate what happened? 

We all have experienced different things in our lives, allow this to be a reminder to sit in it, process what has happened. Everyone’s “thing” is different, for some it may be a bad decision, for others it may be an achievement, whatever it is, allow it to be just for a moment. Think about it, write it in your journal, give God praise for what happened, and process how you can move forward from there. Use some time to soak it in, what went right, what went wrong, and how can you grow.

As you know, my dad passed away last year. My cousin recently posed a question to me, have you processed his death? What a thought-provoking question and my response, I really don’t know. It reminded me that I need to sit in it. Process what has occurred and how I’m dealing with it. Cry, shout, write, or whatever works to help in the process. It has to happen.

Approaching the new year, I’m reminding you as I remind myself to sit in it. Allow yourself time to process things as they occur, negative or positive, sit in it and allow the process to happen. Going through any process can be different, but it is necessary. In this new year, let’s be intentional about sitting in it.